First, see how the building grew over the last month and a half in the set of photos that follows. Then, keep reading for a detailed description of all that went on at the construction site during that time.
Meanwhile, the masons began stacking the concrete block for the walls of the North Courts.
By the first week of August, the CMU walls for the new squash courts were on their way up.
On the inside of the walls, more workers were busy laying the steel reinforcing for the concrete slab.
In the North Courts, the metal studs were put up to prepare for the installation of the squash court panels. A massive steel beam was put in to catch the load from the existing roof structure and the roofing was continued out to cover the 30" expansion.
The past few weeks had been full of lectures from the contractor about how much easier it is to draw two curved black lines on white paper than it is to form up the corresponding concrete wall. But finally, that curved concrete wall at the entry stairs was poured and looking good, complete with recesses for the step lights.
During the next seven days, the structural walls of the new courts were finished and the steel beams, columns, and roof trusses put in place.
At the north courts, the plywood substrate had gone up for the squash court panels, but you could still catch a glimpse of the spray-foam insulation behind it and up in the ceiling. It's not beautiful, but it will improve the building's energy performance and save the school money over the years. Plus, it will be hidden inside the wall in just a few days.
On the outside, the cement-board panels with their shiny aluminum trim are up and ready to be painted.
All this time, the painters have been working hard, and are right now putting the finishing touches on the gymnasium so that they can move on to the lobby and wrestling gym.
August 23rd and the new squash court addition is all sealed up and getting its finishes put on. The brick is up, soon to be followed by the wood rainscreen that will cover all that blue insulation.
On the facade of the old gym wall, studs and insulation are up in preparation for more of the cement board paneling that you saw on the North Courts.
Inside, more studs and insulation, all of which will soon be covered up by sheetrock and squash court panels, ceiling tiles and wood trim.
And on the wrestling gym roof, the solar panels are up and just waiting to start offsetting the school's electrical costs. That, and waiting for some sunnier skies...
How's that for progress?
We promise to post again next week, so check back then to see more. It's getting down to crunch time!
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